Scan your server/virus online !!!

Many of you might have receive some suspicious e-mail containing a file and somebody requesting it to open it or something else. You might have thought that it contain nothing but it can be a virus or crypted server or RAT. You might think that I have Anti-Virus so I am safe but its not the case a single cannot detect all virus, every antivirus have company have its own database and it is different from the other.

It can be a case that one can detect this virus and the other cannot. Its not possible for us to install all Anti-Virus and keep. So here I have a solution for you.

There many sites offering online scan facility for you. Just upload your suspicious file and click scan it.
Here are some sites for you.

I prefer you to use Virus Total and No Virus thanks as they very fast.

And while using No Virus thanks remember to check the box "Do not distribute the sample".
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