Basic Linux Security Part 2

In the last part of Basic Linux Security we have discussed about the basic flaws normally present in all the operating system's, but specially many of the new Linux users have a mindset that Linux cannot be compromised. So in this part we will be covering how these some basic loopholes.

It all starts with a good PASSWORD : Yeah it's a basic thing in our day to day life but still many people don't give attention on it. When I ask someone to use some complex password they just start giving me excuses like ""Who will remember that? What the hacker/cracker is gonna do with my password?"" and many more. I just surfed out the net and found some most common password of the year 2012 here is a list of top 25 common passwords.

1. password
2, 123456
3. 12345678
4. abc123
5. qwerty
6. monkey
7. letmein
8. dragon
9. 111111
10. baseball
11. iloveyou
12. trustno1
13. 1234567
14. sunshine
15. master
16. 123123
17. welcome
18. shadow
19. ashley
20. football
21. jesus
22. michael
23. ninja
24. mustang
25. password1
So keep in mind to keep a strong password for your Wifi , accounts, computer and anywhere necessary.

Don't just give r00t everywhere : Yes don't login as r00t or don't use sudo everywhere. As you login as r00t you will modify your /root  by mistake and cause a big mess to your system and start crying :v :v . Remember if you cant explain it to your grandmother then don't do it.

Keep a Backup : Losing your important data gives a great pain to your heart and your business. So keep in mind to perform a backup time to time. Here is tutorial how to perform a backup Backup Your System.

Data Encryption : Encrypting the home directory or your whole hard disk is a concern to your Physical Security of your computer. So if any one is having physical access to your PC then also he won't be able to get the data of your Hard Disk. Here is a tutorial for it .

Browser Security : In the world of internet many of the websites are back-doored by the malicious crackers or there are many techniques present out there that can take away your browser session cookies with just one click. So to prevent these attack you should keep your self protected you should take some precautions. Here are few very important addons for Firefox browser to ease your work.

NoScript : NoScript is an Award Winning Firefox addon. NoScript blocks JavaScript, Java, Flash, Silverlight, and other "active" content by default in Firefox. It contains many mind blowing features like Anti-XSS , Whitlisting, Clickjacking Protection, ABE (Application Boundaries Enforcer), HTTPS enhancements and many more. You may download it from here. 

AdBlock Plus : You might be suffering form many annoying ads on internet sites (Even on this site :v :v :v). So you may use this addon for protecting yourself from the ads that track you on internet. You can download this adon from here.

BetterPrivacy : BetterPrivacy is an Firefox addon that blocks tracking cookies called  LSO's (Local Shared Objects) or "super cookies" that are used by many marketing research companies to track your activity and cannot be deleted like normal cookies.
Download BetterPrivacy from here. 

ClickClean : This tool help user to delete internet temporary files, cookies, browsing history, downloaded files history, LSO Flash cookies and also deletes your privacy data when you close Firefox. Download ClickClean from here.

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